Friday, September 12, 2008

Lotto lotta

Well, I have had another audition.  (as dead as it is...)
This time for the Tennessee Lottery.
It was fun.  A husband and wife type of deal.  The man playing my husband was super quiet and didn't speak to me beforehand hardly at all..  Of course, I will say that he did become friendly once we started.  He actually put his arm around me, etc..
It's hard.  I was paired with someone through my agent, but it never happens that way.  And, I hate that.  Once, a girl only got the audition because I told my agent I'd like to audition with her, and it didn't happen.  You show up and they pair you however they'd like.  It sort of sucks.
Oh well.
Anyway, I'd like to book something soon.  It's amazing how insecure you can feel.  Although, last year, I was done working by July.  Though I had one of the busiest years.  Lots of jobs, all in the first of the year.  You never know how it'll work out.

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