Thursday, May 22, 2008

Celebrity News

It's very sad that Senator Kennedy has been diagnosed with this horrible tumor.  AND, I really do pray the best for his family.  It's such a tragic family..
BUT, it's amazing to me how much interest they think we take in this.  My husband had the news on the other day and left the room.  Suddenly, I was listening to a "qualified" Dr. explain to me what part of the brain was having the problem.  Luckily for me, he pulled out a plastic sculpture so he could REALLY get it through to me.
Is there nothing else tragic going on in the world that not only do we have to cover the story, but then spend the rest of our day finding anything else we could POSSIBLY tie in with it.  Sadly, I'm sure many of us could inform them of the many travesties handed to people everywhere every day.  But, why?  When I'm sure they're on the phone with the man driving by the hospital where the Senator is while he's explaining what traffic is like outside and how the overall "feeling" is of the drivers.
And all is well in American society..
I pray peace and comfort for the family.
And, lives for those watching this ALL DAY LONG...

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