Wednesday, July 30, 2008

To act or not to act?

Well, nothing is going on right now in the acting world.
I do have other things I do that make me money, so please don't cry for me..
BUT, I do get creatively stressed.  I know that summer can be that way.  SLOW.
I have to remember that things should kick up again as Fall approaches.
It's hard, but true.

I am going to work this summer on my craft.  I've got some books to read, some creative exercises to do and hopefully that will keep me going.  I'd love to get involved with a play this year.  Who knows?  It's pretty slim pickings around here most of the time.
I've done musicals but I'd like to bypass those for a bit.  I'll keep you posted.

I didn't get to act in the 48 hour thing (as I said before) and that was disappointing.  I will say that I enjoy dealing with other areas of the film that I'm normally not too concerned with.  But, it's a good chance to stretch some acting muscles and that didn't happen.

I sound bummed, right?  I think it's the hot, dreary day.  Or maybe I'm missing "must see tv".  Who knows?
But, thank the Lord above for the USA network and their programming.  It'll keep me going this summer.  Check out my other blog for info on that here:  Fun Blog

Also, check out the Wednesday Watercooler to learn more about creativity and expressing yourself here.

Friday, July 25, 2008

48 Hours Are Over

Well another year has come and gone of 48hour film madness. We made it. Of course, the only acting I did was in a group coq fighting scene. That's right!!
I did more again with wardrobe, makeup etc. We've been keeping it simple and since I can do all of these things, it's sort of become my new role.
It's okay. I get to act and play all year long, right?? Of course, man this summer is SLOW for the acting biz.
I will keep u posted on other things in the works. That's all for now??
Except, are you watching Burn Notice?? Project Runway?? In Plain Sight?? Let me know what you think.

Posted with LifeCast

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nashville 48 Hour Film

Are you ready for the craziest weekend of the year??  I am!  Look out and stay out of the way.  There will be crews with cameras all over the streets of Nashville.  It's madness.

I wish I could say that I was already sleeping because I'll need it after Friday hits and it's non-stop mayhem!!  Well, I'm on the same team as the last 2 years.  I like it, but unfortunately, it's more art dept. work than acting.  There are other senior players and they keep the cast small and tight, so I "may" get called up for support, but that's it.  The art dept. stuff is different; never really done it before.  It's a different side of the process that I don't usually spend so much time on.  I have to put on another brain.  

Art is weird that way, eh?  I think most art is amazing to most because of it's unusual distinctiveness.  And yet it's the very same thing that makes others think it's crazy.
Go over to Watercooler Wednesdays to decide for yourself!!

I'll keep you posted on the Fest!!
Have a great week!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Auditioning again!

Finally!  Another audition.  It's been awhile folks.  And, even in a small town like Nashville, you start feeling like it's over!

This was quick and painless with a casting director in town that knows me well.  Just one liners for a hospital ad.  The ad won't even air here, so if you get the piece, who knows if you'll ever see it??

Though one liners make me nervous, I think it went okay.  You have that one line to convince someone that you're it!  Not as easy as it sounds.  At least with a paragraph or several lines, I can miss some and hit others!  Here there just isn't much room for error.  It's pretty quick, so if they don't like your look, they are definitely moving on!  They had about 15 different roles they were casting.  I was the 30 something wife.  Very descript, right??  Kill me..

Do you know how many 30 somethings there are out there??  a lot!!!
Trust me.
I will keep you all posted.  Just don't be waiting on the edge of your seat to hear something..  I try to audition and walk away.  It's easier that way.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Summer TV

Wow.  The biz is slow.  Let me tell ya.  This happens sometimes in summer.  ugh..
Anyhow, this entry is about new tv for summer that I'm excited about.

1st of all, we've been watching "In Plain Sight" on USA.  Very cool.  It's a very different type of show.  Not your basic "shoot 'em up" type of thing.  Not as negative as some.  I've gotten attached to the characters and the guest stars every week can act SO well, that within the hour I'm attached to them.  Definitely, check it out.

2nd, I'm very excited about "Burn Notice" coming back for Season 2 (also on USA).  If you missed it last year, check it out.  It's coming back July 10.  It's a gorgeous show, based in Miami.  They do a great job with the camera and it just looks good.  The actors are great.  It's funny, tense, exciting and relatable.  I love it!!  It's all about a former FBI agent who has been "burned".   He is not allowed to leave the city they've put him in and he's trying to figure out who did it and why.  In the meantime, he helps solve local crimes and help folks out and of course, madness ensues!!  Check it!

3rd, old faves are coming back.  New "Project Runway" (last season on Bravo) is coming July 16.  It's supposed to be moving to Lifetime shortly.  Crazy, eh?  And, I'm psyched about "Psych".  This is yet another USA original.  I promise, I don't work for the channel.  They just really get some good stuff.  "Psych" returns July 18.

Anyway, I don't want to hear from anyone that there is nothing on TV to watch this summer.  This should keep you busy.  Yeah, tivo!!!  See ya soon...