When we first started filming (day 1) I truly expected to see some sort of mania. But, it was like any other set I've been to. Sort of quiet. Yeah, people are looking but as they're walking to work and they don't quite know what's going on.
But, day 2 was different. While on set, they released us for lunch. That meant moving from one location to 2 blocks away where lunch was catered. So, we started heading out of the back of the building along a road that had been blocked off for us. As me and one other woman extra stepped out the door flash bulbs exploded!! Hilarious! Across the street was a small gaggle of about 20 folks behind a yellow police line. I'm sure they started snapping to catch Ms. Miley Cyrus. And, I'm sure they instantly knew we were not her in any way. But, who else could we be, right? So, they kept flashing away as we gracefully walked out into the street and started heading to lunch.
The sad part of the story is that poor Miley was then "found out". That day they figured out which trailer was hers and began stalking around. The photos surfacing are all from that 2nd day of filming.
Sorry Miley. But, I enjoyed the excitement oh for just a moment...
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