Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New blog location

Come check me out at Lalei's Blog
I'll be keeping you posted on all areas of  my life!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Lotto lotta

Well, I have had another audition.  (as dead as it is...)
This time for the Tennessee Lottery.
It was fun.  A husband and wife type of deal.  The man playing my husband was super quiet and didn't speak to me beforehand hardly at all..  Of course, I will say that he did become friendly once we started.  He actually put his arm around me, etc..
It's hard.  I was paired with someone through my agent, but it never happens that way.  And, I hate that.  Once, a girl only got the audition because I told my agent I'd like to audition with her, and it didn't happen.  You show up and they pair you however they'd like.  It sort of sucks.
Oh well.
Anyway, I'd like to book something soon.  It's amazing how insecure you can feel.  Although, last year, I was done working by July.  Though I had one of the busiest years.  Lots of jobs, all in the first of the year.  You never know how it'll work out.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

NHL? Anyone??

So, I had an audition the other day for the Nashville Predators.  No, I won't be goalie any time soon; just an audition.  It was a lot of fun.  They were simple, sort of "the office" like.  Simple, normal people with these weird experiences.  It's a great campaign.  It would be a nice addition to my work.  Either way, I look forward to seeing them on air.
Unfortunately for me, a lot of my competition in town was there.  There is a small handful of actresses that make me nervous when I show up.  Well, "nervous" is a bad word.  It's usually, "oh crap!"  We're all fighting for the same jobs and we're basically on the same level here, so it gets a little crazy.
Anyway, we'll see.  I have another audition I'll tell you about later.  Things are moving along.
Of course, I had to pass last week on an audition with a Director that loves me because I went to Canada while it was shooting.  ugh!!  That is ALWAYS the case.  The old "watched pot" thing, ya know?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Bernie Mac

I am sad. Sorry I haven't written for a bit. I'm not going to write a lot today. I just can't remember the last celebrity I cried a bit over. He just seemed to be a truly nice guy. And he was funny. And too young to go. We forget how fragile our bodies are. My prayers are with his family. God is mysterious.

Posted with LifeCast

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

To act or not to act?

Well, nothing is going on right now in the acting world.
I do have other things I do that make me money, so please don't cry for me..
BUT, I do get creatively stressed.  I know that summer can be that way.  SLOW.
I have to remember that things should kick up again as Fall approaches.
It's hard, but true.

I am going to work this summer on my craft.  I've got some books to read, some creative exercises to do and hopefully that will keep me going.  I'd love to get involved with a play this year.  Who knows?  It's pretty slim pickings around here most of the time.
I've done musicals but I'd like to bypass those for a bit.  I'll keep you posted.

I didn't get to act in the 48 hour thing (as I said before) and that was disappointing.  I will say that I enjoy dealing with other areas of the film that I'm normally not too concerned with.  But, it's a good chance to stretch some acting muscles and that didn't happen.

I sound bummed, right?  I think it's the hot, dreary day.  Or maybe I'm missing "must see tv".  Who knows?
But, thank the Lord above for the USA network and their programming.  It'll keep me going this summer.  Check out my other blog for info on that here:  Fun Blog

Also, check out the Wednesday Watercooler to learn more about creativity and expressing yourself here.

Friday, July 25, 2008

48 Hours Are Over

Well another year has come and gone of 48hour film madness. We made it. Of course, the only acting I did was in a group coq fighting scene. That's right!!
I did more again with wardrobe, makeup etc. We've been keeping it simple and since I can do all of these things, it's sort of become my new role.
It's okay. I get to act and play all year long, right?? Of course, man this summer is SLOW for the acting biz.
I will keep u posted on other things in the works. That's all for now??
Except, are you watching Burn Notice?? Project Runway?? In Plain Sight?? Let me know what you think.

Posted with LifeCast

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nashville 48 Hour Film

Are you ready for the craziest weekend of the year??  I am!  Look out and stay out of the way.  There will be crews with cameras all over the streets of Nashville.  It's madness.

I wish I could say that I was already sleeping because I'll need it after Friday hits and it's non-stop mayhem!!  Well, I'm on the same team as the last 2 years.  I like it, but unfortunately, it's more art dept. work than acting.  There are other senior players and they keep the cast small and tight, so I "may" get called up for support, but that's it.  The art dept. stuff is different; never really done it before.  It's a different side of the process that I don't usually spend so much time on.  I have to put on another brain.  

Art is weird that way, eh?  I think most art is amazing to most because of it's unusual distinctiveness.  And yet it's the very same thing that makes others think it's crazy.
Go over to Watercooler Wednesdays to decide for yourself!!

I'll keep you posted on the Fest!!
Have a great week!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Auditioning again!

Finally!  Another audition.  It's been awhile folks.  And, even in a small town like Nashville, you start feeling like it's over!

This was quick and painless with a casting director in town that knows me well.  Just one liners for a hospital ad.  The ad won't even air here, so if you get the piece, who knows if you'll ever see it??

Though one liners make me nervous, I think it went okay.  You have that one line to convince someone that you're it!  Not as easy as it sounds.  At least with a paragraph or several lines, I can miss some and hit others!  Here there just isn't much room for error.  It's pretty quick, so if they don't like your look, they are definitely moving on!  They had about 15 different roles they were casting.  I was the 30 something wife.  Very descript, right??  Kill me..

Do you know how many 30 somethings there are out there??  a lot!!!
Trust me.
I will keep you all posted.  Just don't be waiting on the edge of your seat to hear something..  I try to audition and walk away.  It's easier that way.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Summer TV

Wow.  The biz is slow.  Let me tell ya.  This happens sometimes in summer.  ugh..
Anyhow, this entry is about new tv for summer that I'm excited about.

1st of all, we've been watching "In Plain Sight" on USA.  Very cool.  It's a very different type of show.  Not your basic "shoot 'em up" type of thing.  Not as negative as some.  I've gotten attached to the characters and the guest stars every week can act SO well, that within the hour I'm attached to them.  Definitely, check it out.

2nd, I'm very excited about "Burn Notice" coming back for Season 2 (also on USA).  If you missed it last year, check it out.  It's coming back July 10.  It's a gorgeous show, based in Miami.  They do a great job with the camera and it just looks good.  The actors are great.  It's funny, tense, exciting and relatable.  I love it!!  It's all about a former FBI agent who has been "burned".   He is not allowed to leave the city they've put him in and he's trying to figure out who did it and why.  In the meantime, he helps solve local crimes and help folks out and of course, madness ensues!!  Check it!

3rd, old faves are coming back.  New "Project Runway" (last season on Bravo) is coming July 16.  It's supposed to be moving to Lifetime shortly.  Crazy, eh?  And, I'm psyched about "Psych".  This is yet another USA original.  I promise, I don't work for the channel.  They just really get some good stuff.  "Psych" returns July 18.

Anyway, I don't want to hear from anyone that there is nothing on TV to watch this summer.  This should keep you busy.  Yeah, tivo!!!  See ya soon...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Actor's of the past: we need you!

So, I've been at home alone and nothing better to do, so I've been watching the Muppet Show.  That's right.
I have a collection of "best of" DVDs which my husband got a long time ago (and I won't bore you with the story, but it IS funny how we came to own these).
I was awed by the show, the music, the creativity.  And, the guest stars!!  I saw Steve Martin, Gilda Radner, Carol Burnette, Paul Simon, Raquel Welch; just to name a few!
Now, who would appear today??  Britney?  Lindsay??  Heaven help us, PARIS??
At times like these, I have to hope that all isn't loss and that there is some really good talent out there.  I'm just not sure where it is.  Do you??
All wasn't lost.  I did laugh, smile and sing along from time to time.  But it does make me wonder..

By the way, don't be alarmed at the fact that I'm a grown adult at home alone watching the Muppet Show.  It's usually a Disney double feature.  ha!!  My taste in movies is sophisticated.  Ah, who am I kidding!!

Well, back to email.  And, check out Watercooler Wednesdays this week and give him your answer!!  

I love Kermit!
See ya.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Acting Biz is slow, so I'll do a review..

Yeah, that's right.  I had a lot of auditions recently, but no jobs.  And, now suddenly, nothing again.  That's how it is here in Nashville, TN.  Well, last night I saw Iron Man.  I know that I'm a little behind, but we're actually too busy to get to the theater much anymore.  
I have to say it was really amazing!  I thought the casting was perfect.  Of course, Jeff Bridges could have been Gene Hackman and I doubt if we would have noticed much.  Robert Downey Jr did a great job.  And, Gwyneth as well.  A simple role for her, but she pulled it off.  Makeup and hair help a little, I'm sure.  Terrence Howard was absolutely amazing as well.  Of course, he is always so "real" and in the moment.  He is one of the most believable actors out there.
I will also admit that I know nothing of the comic book hero, so I'm sorry if you have issues with consistency or even casting.  I do know how that throws many people off.  But, just as a film separate from anything else, I thought it was great!
It was really great to look at also.  The camera work, computer animation, color; it all set up another world but we were still connected to it.
What do you think?
Also, check out the All About Celebrities Blog
Chat soon.
Pray for work!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"NBC kills Nashville Star", film at 11

I will admit that all reality shows are cheesy and I don't like most.
I only watched American Idol for the last 2 years.  My friend was on 2 years ago and I watched for him.  This year was out of curiosity.
Well, Nashville Star happened upon my tv because of this same curiosity and I really wanted to support local programming.  I really enjoyed the show.  It felt very real to me, not flashy like AI can be.  AND, the people had real talent.  I loved that they played instruments and they showcase their own original music.  So many people that get signed to record deals, don't write.  So, this was also intriguing.  There were no age limits either.  The very first Nashville Star winner was 40 something with 3 kids.  Love it!
Then, I hear rumors that NBC picked up the show.  Now, it sounds exciting.  What other Nashville programming will they want, or will they come here to do more things.  It's all possible.  BUT, I've watched 2 episodes and I'm bummed.  The only thrill for me is to see who else Billy Ray brings in from the Hannah Montana movie to sit in the audience.  But, the talent is NOT good.  I had a friend audition and didn't make it who is AMAZING!  Some of these people cannot carry a tune.  And, this week, when they were announcing who made it through next week, someone always jumped early.  They KNEW who was in the bottom.  What??  And, I loved the way Nashville Star handled good byes.  They call each performer to perform that made it through.  Down to the last two, and one goes home.  They don't perform one final crying thing which AI does and I hate.  So, taking one step closer to AI without stealing it's ideas, they both play, get assigned phone numbers to call, then they say, "oh yeah, you're gone".  Weird!  
Besides the fact, I hate Jewel and Billy Ray has weird timing and space issues.  The man stays at least 3 feet from every contestant.  Ugh.  Maybe I'm alone in this, but I did delete my Season pass.  It seems like a bunch of crap to me!
Hey, one more thing!  Check out this blog and chat about your pet peeve expressions!  It's Watercooler Wednesdays.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Auditions a plenty

So, yet another audition. My week has picked up, eh? This time more of an "open call" thing. Which I usually hate. They take forever.

But, this time went pretty smoothly. I got there and was #59 and they were on #16. Sounds scary, but 1 hour later, it was my turn. That's not too bad. And, there were 3 or 4 friends waiting there to keep me company, so that's always helpful.

The audition was easy. 3 in at a time. Basically stepping into frame, then "oohing and ahhing" about some new building. That's all. Simple, right? It would be nice to get because it pays pretty well. Especially just for some reactions.
My group was okay. One was a fellow actor that I know well. We worked together on a music video and Hannah Montana. He did a great job. The other was a very nice woman, but she was really destroying the vibe. We had to "ad lib" a lot. You know, "improvise". "Oh, look at that new room. That's going to be amazing". Instead, she'd comment on the obvious made up nature of our sentences.
ME: "Look at that up there".
HER: "Oh, that pipe? Yeah, very rustic ."

See the annoyance? So, you just try to ignore her comments and stay in character.
Amazing how some people just really don't get it.
Oh well.  All the better for me.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Welcome to Audition Hell

Well, the weather here is hot! Really hot. It's 95 outside and probably 97 in the unairconditioned hall. That's right. No air.
There are 4 times the amount of people there that you expected. Why? Well, many are there for the first time. Though it's YOUR callback, they are getting a first shot.
Also, time moves slow here. You may sign in at 3:10 for your 3:30 audition, but they aren't looking at the sign in sheet. They have their own agenda and it's much different than the one you were told previously. They call whomever they want at whatever time they choose. Therefore, you sit and watch people just walk in and go in. As you sit, and sit and sit.
You were called for a role but no worries! They have another one, all shined up and ready for you. Mostly because they've already filled most of the roles as you sit in the hall. Waiting and waiting..
Needless to say, they don't seem to care about you at all. So why were you called to audition hell? Who knows?
But, was it worth it? You MAY receive an honorary extra role. But, let's face it. That's not why you bought the ticket.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Commercial Audition, really?

I got the call Saturday night that I was needed for an audition Sunday morning. I really hate weekend auditions. Yuck! Who likes to work on the weekend, right?
So, I said I could make it and I got the info Sunday morning. It was for a regional commercial. The Director had seen my headshot and chose me to come in and audition. That usually makes it more worth your time. Well, the company always has these really corny commercials, so my heart sank a little, but the pay was great and there were "roles" listed. So, I thought maybe this time it's a different format.
No such luck! I showed up and all we had to do was laugh and interact together in groups of 5. With lots of energy of course!! Now this happens more than you would think. It always annoys me. Why can't they just have us come in and ask some questions? You can get our personality from that! Most people know as soon as you open your mouth if you're right for the part. And, if they don't like you, they skip your slate and go to the next person. (by the way, "slate" is "Hi, my name is .. my agent is ... and I'm number...") It seems to be mostly about a look anyway, right?
The good news is it went quickly and I was about my business on a normal Sunday.
Oh, I haven't started my reel yet. I'm going to wait until I get that other DVD. You may call it procrastination..

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Actor's Life, for REEL

My agent has asked me to create a reel. I guess I didn't think that I had enough good "work" to put a reel together. But, she has assured me that I do. Nowadays, I can make it myself. I just want to make sure that it's good. So, I may need to enlist the help of some friends. I'm not quite sure yet.

I have a lot of my work. Mostly because I'm meticulous (and tech savvy) enough to watch for it, record it and put it in my computer. Of course, I just paid $12 today to get a DVD copy of something that I did this year. It's crazy, right? As I write my check and complain, I also must add that there is something nice about it. At least I know I'll get a copy. So many things you do, you never see and they never send to you. Not everything is on t.v. And, even the stuff I do that is for t.v. is sometimes for channels we don't have or in markets we don't live in. All of these things make it nearly impossible to gain copies of your work.

I will say it's nice when it's available in the store. That makes it all nice and easy.
Of course, I haven't had a lot of that. But, I treasure the lucky few.

I will work on my reel. I'll let you know how it goes...
Any suggestions?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hannah Montana Line Dance

Yesterday was a crazy day.
I had received a casting for the Hannah Montana film (again).  They were now looking for line dancers.  I was aware that they would need those in the beginning and was sure to put down that I could do that if asked.  Of course, I was picturing a big group of people doing one of the many line dances I've "scooted" to over the years.

Not so.

I was getting the idea it was more than that.  I later saw a video of the dance and was a little shocked.  I wanted to make sure that I could even do the dance.  But, eventually I broke it down and was able to do it.  Of course, not like when I was 20, but they were seeking 28 and up!  So, not bad.  This dance is a mix of line dancing and hip hop funk.  You definitely have to be trained to do it.

Well, after rehearsing for a long time, I then realize that a HUGE argument has broke out amongst all involved (casting, agents, production) and now everyone is limited to how many they send.  I signed up later (wanting to be sure that I could do it first), so I wouldn't be going.

Isn't that nuts???  All the trying and excitement and then, oh yeah, "not gonna happen".

Well, good luck to them as they seek their dancers.  I guess I'll wait and see what it looks like in the movie.  Who knows?

If something changes, I'll let you know..

Monday, June 2, 2008

Always makes me say "hmmm..."

So, when you are NOT a celebrity and you're trying to act, you dig up work when you can.
There are many sites that I search constantly, hoping to find something to tell my agent about or send info to myself.  I will totally do something lo/no budget if I believe in the script, etc.  Sadly, that just doesn't happen enough.
Almost ALWAYS there is going to be a lo/no budget film where the subject of "nudity" will emerge.  Granted, everyone struggles with it and you have to decide what is right for you.  I prefer to never have to do any nudity.  
So I find a movie online.  Looking for actors, not really a lot of money, script seems okay, could be cool..
Then, "nudity and sex scene".  What?  You expect me to get naked for some film where kids meet up as adults and have "revelations"?  Wow, must be a real "Breakfast Club" type of film.  Why not?  It's a big enough struggle for most anyway.  But, once you say "oh, and we're not paying actors" or "we're looking for people who are passionate about the script".  It's as much a slap in the face as ministry work can be sometimes.  "Well, we don't have money, but we'd like you to work for free because you love the Lord".  But, I digress..
Anyway, I swear that half the time, it's some kids who want to just watch some folks strip for fun.
Girls, keep your clothes on.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Frustration

Just wanted to voice another frustration from yesterday's audition...
See, they were casting for 2 different things.  One was the female lead.  Now, there are many reasons why I'm not right for that.  They wanted a TALL girl.  The male lead is 6'5" so, we're talking tall.  And, of course glamorous, gorgeous and all that.  THAT is not me.

Then, they were casting "hairdressers".  But, they even said that they are to have a lot of character in their face and look as if they've lived a rough life.  THAT is not me.

So, the frustration  comes because in Nashville that is always my problem.  I'm not a supermodel, but I'm not very plain either.  So, I am in this "in between" area reserved for people like Sandra Bullock.  And, I have no chance of getting her roles.  Ya know?  I don't ever seem to get soccer mom roles either.  ugh.

I will say that the Directors don't really know what they're looking for until they see it.  I was cast in a music video at 28 years old, yet they were looking for a rough looking woman in her 40s.  Once I auditioned for a black ex-prostitute.  Sort of a modern day "woman at the well".  The best part of that is the Director called to tell me that I was his choice, but the client really wanted the cast to be diverse, so I was too white!

I shouldn't complain too much.  My agent has her work cut out for her.  I'm a 30 something white female who seems to do a great haggard 40 something or black ex-prostitute.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Music Video Audition

So, last night I received an email about an audition I was to attend today.  Lots of preparation time, right?  Music videos are really done like that.  Bam!  It's done.  They work 'em pretty quick.  I've done several and they are shot quick and out quick and gone before you know it!
The audition was for James Otto.  I haven't heard of this guy yet, but in Nashville, that's not shocking.  I was to play a "hairdresser".  Now, both my mother and sister are hairdressers by trade and I don't see anything exciting about how they dress so I assume they mean the "caricature" of one.  I dressed up sort of "Steel Magnolias" meets Flo from Mel's Diner.  Whatever!
There was no script so it was sort of a free for all.  3 of us at a time went in and first were told to pretend a cell phone was a remote and the camera was a tv and we were fighting, trying to get it to work.  Then, one of us played a woman whose hair was ruined by another salon and she was asking the other 2 for help.  They had to convince her it would be fine!!  That's it.  And, go!
You always try to lead because otherwise, some schmo will take over, mess it up and there's no way to save it.  BUT, you also don't want to be yelling over each other with everyone trying to drive.  This was somewhere in between.  One woman was a little over the top and they did ask her to chill a bit.  The Directors were there, which almost never happens.  So, it took awhile longer than usual.  But, they must know what they are looking for.  Right?
Not usually..
We'll see, won't we?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nashville 48 Hour Film Fest 2008

Well, I just found out that the 48 hour film fest is coming to Nashville July 18-20, 2008.
I have worked at the Fest the last 2 years.  The first year I starred in the film, "There's No I in Spy".  The next year (2007), I did makeup and wardrobe (and many other tasks) for the winning film, "Electricity:  Unplugging the Myth".
I have NO idea what I'll be doing this year.  But, stay tuned...
For more info on the 48 hour film fest, check them out here:  Nashville 48 Hour Film.
The entire film is written, filmed, edited, etc. in a weekend. Friday evening the genres are selected for the teams. Then, it's go time for all. You scamper around the city trading favors until you collapse from exhaustion. Sound like fun? Check it out.
See ya!
Life is slow, so I'm going to my "other" job today.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Business is slow

Yeah, not much going on right now.  My agent is slow (I haven't even been helping in the office).  But, it always seems to be that way.  Spring gets a little crazy and then we hit a wall.  It'll pick up again.  Summer is sometimes down time.  UGH!!
Of course, when you're in a small industry, it seems to suck even more.  Kill me..
I did get my first paycheck from Hannah Montana.  Apparently, it'll come in pieces so that's okay.  I have to get it all together and then pay my agent her fee and then, basically I've made NOTHING.  ha.
It sure is a lot of work for not a lot of payoff!
Can I get an "amen"?
Anyway, peace out..

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Paparazzi Moment

Well, I have to say that while filming "Hannah Montana the Movie", I had my first taste of the paparazzi.
When we first started filming (day 1) I truly expected to see some sort of mania.  But, it was like any other set I've been to.  Sort of quiet.  Yeah, people are looking but as they're walking to work and they don't quite know what's going on.
But, day 2 was different.  While on set, they released us for lunch.  That meant moving from one location to 2 blocks away where lunch was catered.  So, we started heading out of the back of the building along a road that had been blocked off for us.  As me and one other woman extra stepped out the door flash bulbs exploded!!  Hilarious!  Across the street was a small gaggle of about 20 folks behind a yellow police line.  I'm sure they started snapping to catch Ms. Miley Cyrus.  And, I'm sure they instantly knew we were not her in any way.  But, who else could we be, right?  So, they kept flashing away as we gracefully walked out into the street and started heading to lunch.  
The sad part of the story is that poor Miley was then "found out".  That day they figured out which trailer was hers and began stalking around.  The photos surfacing are all from that 2nd day of filming.  
Sorry Miley.  But, I enjoyed the excitement oh for just a moment...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend and more

Well, they were supposed to have callbacks Friday for the commercial audition.  You can pretty much assume I'm not getting it.  I've trained myself to not really pay attention after I audition.  BUT, since writing this blog thing, I feel I need to keep you posted.  It's really funny.  You DO NOT hear anything if you don't get it, so "no news" is NOT "good news" in this world.
So, I soldier on through a great weekend of family and friends and I await the next endeavor.  There is always something.  There could be more Hannah Montana, but my agent (and the casting director) know that I don't want to do any big crowd scenes.  I did those for "Walk the Line" and they are NOT fun.  One girl I met on Hannah's set said she's doing some with a couple hundred and 1000.  Are you freaking kidding me???
Again, THAT'S not acting.  That's my favorite term, "moving props" (copyright mine).
Happy Memorial Day!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Celebrity News

It's very sad that Senator Kennedy has been diagnosed with this horrible tumor.  AND, I really do pray the best for his family.  It's such a tragic family..
BUT, it's amazing to me how much interest they think we take in this.  My husband had the news on the other day and left the room.  Suddenly, I was listening to a "qualified" Dr. explain to me what part of the brain was having the problem.  Luckily for me, he pulled out a plastic sculpture so he could REALLY get it through to me.
Is there nothing else tragic going on in the world that not only do we have to cover the story, but then spend the rest of our day finding anything else we could POSSIBLY tie in with it.  Sadly, I'm sure many of us could inform them of the many travesties handed to people everywhere every day.  But, why?  When I'm sure they're on the phone with the man driving by the hospital where the Senator is while he's explaining what traffic is like outside and how the overall "feeling" is of the drivers.
And all is well in American society..
I pray peace and comfort for the family.
And, lives for those watching this ALL DAY LONG...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Audition confusion

Well you never know what you're going to get, right?  Sometimes an audition has a huge script, lots to think about and hardly any money.  Other times, it pays really well and all you have to do is show up and smile and name your hobbies and you go home.
My audition today couldn't have been simpler.  
First, you can't be pretty.  "look like you're running errands"
So, no makeup, sloppy, got it!
When we arrived, they took us in groups of 3.  You go down the line with a slate.
Name, agent, number etc.  Then, tell them your hobbies.  Nice, eh?  Oh, and if we choose you, you'll get a REALLY nice paycheck.
Can't beat it, right?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hannah Montana and all that madness

Okay, here's the dealio..
I did work on the Hannah Montana movie.  I did spend 3 days on set with some great celebs.  (besides Billy Ray and Ms. Miley)  But, I was only an extra.  Or "mayor's guest" as I'll claim.  
We spent 3 days killing ourselves (mostly with boredom) just trying to complete our huge scene.  It's your classic Disney high society dinner disaster scenario.  And, the fire happens right in front of me.  Fun, eh?
It was actually nice to see some of the special effects stuff and how it was handled.  Also, there were live animals, so that's always fun (way to go Joseph and Theo)!  And, what everyone wants to know, "how were the celebs?"  All were absolutely normal and wonderful.
If you do have kids who are big fans, this will probably be a great film to see.  So you know, the film also stars Melora Hardin (that's right, Dunder Mifflin fans), Vanessa Williams, and Margo Martinfield (known to me as the mean momma in Million Dollar Baby).  SHE is very kind and I did get to talk to her a bit.  
That's the life of a movie star, baby!!


Well, it's not the big time.  But, it's my life.
Here I'll chat about all things entertainment.  And, I'll take you through my crazy life right here in the middle of L.A. and N.Y.  Crazy, right?  But, things come along and it's a lot of fun.  
I'm writing this because too many people ask and are interested.
So, let's see how fun it can be.
Check back with me.