So, when you are NOT a celebrity and you're trying to act, you dig up work when you can.
There are many sites that I search constantly, hoping to find something to tell my agent about or send info to myself. I will totally do something lo/no budget if I believe in the script, etc. Sadly, that just doesn't happen enough.
Almost ALWAYS there is going to be a lo/no budget film where the subject of "nudity" will emerge. Granted, everyone struggles with it and you have to decide what is right for you. I prefer to never have to do any nudity.
So I find a movie online. Looking for actors, not really a lot of money, script seems okay, could be cool..
Then, "nudity and sex scene". What? You expect me to get naked for some film where kids meet up as adults and have "revelations"? Wow, must be a real "Breakfast Club" type of film. Why not? It's a big enough struggle for most anyway. But, once you say "oh, and we're not paying actors" or "we're looking for people who are passionate about the script". It's as much a slap in the face as ministry work can be sometimes. "Well, we don't have money, but we'd like you to work for free because you love the Lord". But, I digress..
Anyway, I swear that half the time, it's some kids who want to just watch some folks strip for fun.
Girls, keep your clothes on.